Saturday 30 March 2024

Sepia Saturday 717 - Going To Work

It has been a while since I last joined the Sepians who are still uploading their weekly contribution. In fact, that last time was on the festive occasion of reaching the SS 500 milestone on December 29, 2019. Occasionally I revisited Alan's site but needed more inspiration to write an appropriate post. But the other day, I saw the March theme and thought, why not! My motivation surfaced because I remembered a couple of suitable family pictures. Here is my effort to provide you with some insight into the working life of both my grandfathers. 

Unlike Ed Mossel, the well-mustached man in the theme picture, my grandfathers were neither politicians, authors nor journalists. My mother's father was Gerardus Theodorus de Langen. He was born in The Hague on November 24, 1888. He left this earthly vale of tears 78 years later, on October 20, 1967. His father was a carpenter so it was no surprise that he had to start working when he was 13. He joined a company named Eigen Hulp (Help Yourself). Their main business was organizing the central procurement for their shops selling "everything you can think of". Although I don't know the nature of his job when he started, I do know that in 1928, the company existed for 50 years. At that time Grandpa managed their central accounting department.

Picture taken on July 7, 1928, when the company celebrated its 50-year jubilee.
Grandpa is seated in the front row (red arrow)
The fact that Grandpa is seated in the front row, tells his position in the company. Come to think of it, he did very well if you realize his education consisted of primary school only when he started in 1901! 
As I said, Grandpa was neither a politician, an author nor a journalist. But he had a mustache! Maybe it was not as impressive as the one of Mr. Mossel but still.
Grandpa De Langen approx. 1916
Switching to my other grandfather, his name was Andreas Miebies born in The Hague on April 7, 1883. He died, also in The Hague on December 22, 1957. His father was a clerk in a pharmacy but Grandpa became a civil servant for the city of The Hague. His main activities were in the social domain. At one time he was the director of a housing project for the "lower classes". He could tell exciting stories of dissatisfied tenants stabbing impressive knives into his writing desk. Later he was involved in guiding juvenile unemployed back to work. The photo below is from that period.
Andreas Miebies and his secretary (?) in June 1936
Please note the telephone on his desk. I assume that a phone in those days was for managers only. Something like a mobile in the early nineties of the 20th century.
Andreas was also very much involved in the CJMV, the Dutch equivalent of the YMCA. 
On December 8, 1933, a new CJMV chairman*
was installed. Andreas, leader of the The Hague
section, was seated beside him.
It is funny that when climbing the social ladder, both my grandfathers somehow managed to be seated in the front row. But apart from that, they went to work every day, including Saturdays! So they qualify for the theme of this month.

* Rev. G.P. van Itterzon

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Wednesday 27 March 2024

Born in Nederlands Indië/Dutch East Indies (2)

Meinsje Wemmers-Doelman
probably in Balikpapan
For a summary in English, please scroll down.

Zoals de titel van dit blog al aangeeft, is er nog een blog met (bijna) dezelfde naam. In beide blogs vindt u namen van overledenen die allen in het voormalig Nederlands Indië, Nieuw Guinea dan wel in Indonesië geboren zijn. Het betreft voornamelijk personen die in de 20e eeuw daar ter wereld kwamen en een enkeling eerder, eind 19e eeuw. In dat andere blog staat een lijst met ruim 7.000 namen die u zeker ook moet raadplegen wanneer u iemand zoekt. 

Het waarom van deze blogs kunt u ook in het andere blog lezen. Maar van al deze mensen ben ik in het bezit van een rouwadvertentie, een rouwbrief of iets van dien aard. Als u geïnteresseerd bent in een bepaalde naam, dan kunt mij een mail sturen (patmiebies at gmail dot com) en ik stuur u de informatie die ik heb. 

In onderstaande lijst staan nu 263 familienamen. Ze zijn gesorteerd op de letters van het alfabet. De laatste update was op 27 maart 2024

Batavia - Abeln 1939
Morotai - Akihary 1947
Tandjoeng Pandan - Alblas 1936
Ambon - Alewijnse 1939
Tjoeroep - van Altenburg 1933
Batavia - Anthonio 1952
Bandoeng - Aulia 1950
Sigli - Baars 1923
Cheribon - Badenbroek 1948
Semarang - Bagijn 1930
Bandoeng - Bakker 1924
Tandjong Pandan - Baron 1947
Batavia - Barzuwa 1895
Bandoeng - Bastiaans 1948
Ambarawa - de Bats 1929
Banda Neira - Bax 1926
Modjokerto - Beers 1927
Salatiga - Berest 1934
Tandjong Pinang - Berg 1936
Meester Cornelis - de Berghes 1931
Soerabaja - Beunder 1932
La Hat - van der Bie 1903
Oleh-Leh - Birfelder 1919
Kradenan - Bischoff 1932
Batavia - Bish 1940
Soerabaja - Bochardt 1939
Medan - Boelan 1905
Batavia - Boelen 1948
Soerakarta - Boelhouwer 1911
Batavia - Boender 1935
Hollandia - de Boer 1957
Semarang - de Boer 1922
Semarang - Boeziek 1921
Malang - Bolland 1933
Malang - van Bommel 1931
Semarang - Bosma 1935
Batavia - Bouman 1922
Tjimahi - Bourgonjen 1922
Padang - Bouwmeester 1907
Semarang - Boyer 1908
Magelang - Brakkee 1918
Tjimahi - Brugeman 1927
Magelang - Brussaard 1941
Moeara Enim - Butzelaar 1931
Soerabaja - van Calck 1944
Soerabaja - Camerik 1947
Malang - Canne 1927
Kediri - Colman 1909
Hollandia - Croes 1960
Soerabaja - Deketh 1939
Soerakarta - Dekker 1928
Bandjermasin - d'Engelbronner 1936
Magelang - van Dijk 1940
Batavia - van Dijk 1937
Djokjakarta - Dirks 1928
Sindanglaoet - van Dissel 1924
Bandjermasin - Dom 1939
Batavia - Dom 1929
Semarang - Doorman 1924
Batavia - van Doornum 1911
Meester Cornelis - van Doornum 1941
Batavia - Dumas 1915
Poerworedjo - Dumasy 1919
Semarang - Emmah 1880
Batavia - van Emmerik 1935
Semarang - den Enting 1896
Soerabaja - Essink 1940
Medan - Everwijn 1929
Bandoeng - Eysma 1942
Malang - Fautubun 1940
Soerabaja - Flach 1957
Kendal - Floris 1885
Kotaradja - Franken 1925
Semarang - Frankfort 1937
Sabang - Fransen 1921
Ambarawa - de Fretes 1933
Kilang - de Fretes 1926
Batavia - Fruin 1929
Bandoeng - Gironce 1937
Klepoe - Gironce 1911
Makassar - Goedbloed 1939
Semarang - Goh 1914
Soerakarta - Goudkade 1932
Paree - Grandpré Molière 1939
Padang - van de Griend 1935
Tjimahi - Grimmelijkhuijse 1937
Bandoeng - Guerry 1909
Soekaboemi - Günther 1936
Batavia - Haar 1946
Buitenzorg - Haas 1937
Malang - Hazekamp 1941
Batavia - van Hek 1953
Bandoeng - Hekket 1942
Soerabaja - van Helden 1939
Malang - Heller 1936
Lirung - Hendriks 1925
Soerabaja - Hermans 1949
Paree - van Heyst 1940
Batavia - Hiersteiner 1928
Soerabaja - den Hollander 1949
Pladjoe - Hommes 1950
Batavia - Hoop 1924
Bandoeng - Hoop 1908
Bandoeng - Hoorn 1940
Djokjakarta - Horsting 1937
Soerabaja - van Houten 1940
Soerabaja - Jaasma 1948
Djember - Jackson 1935
Batavia - Jalhaij 1919
Meester Cornelis - Jansen 1938
Bandoeng - Jansen 1948
Buitenzorg - de Jong 1918
Bandoeng - Jonker 1948
Malang - Julianus 1937
Soemberhardjo - Jut 1916
Tandjong Slamat - van der Kaay 1927
Batavia - Kampmeijer 1925
Tjiandjoer - Kassan 1931
Bondowoso - Kayadoe 1936
Soerabaja - Kayadoe 1937
Batavia - van Keeken 1919
Soerabaja - Kerstholt 1928
Batavia - Ketting Olivier 1934
Bandoeng - Koesnadi 1924
Batavia - Kolkman 1941
Medan - Kolkman 1948
Soerabaja - Kootker 1915
Batavia - Krijger 1925
Soerabaja - Krom 1928
Serang - de Kuijper 1932
Batavia - Kuipers 1940
Pematang Siantar - van der Laan 1928
Sungailiat - Lam 1931
Soerabaja - de Lange 1939
Soerabaja - Langenberg 1933
Soerabaja - Langendoen 1948
Bandjermasin - van Leeuwen 1876 [1]
Padang - Lens 1932
Bandoeng - Linn 1932
Rangkasbitung - Linot-binti Bari 1915
Batavia - Lochmann 1870 [1]
Sokowono - Loeff 1911 [1]
Batavia - Lubbers 1939
Soemedang - Lucardie 1915
Bondowoso - Mac Gillavry 1936
Batavia - Malasch 1937
Bandjermasin - Mambu 1946
Haria - Manuhutu 1936
Buitenzorg - Manuputty 1933
Ambarawa - Mark 1933
Soerabaja - Masius 1906
Meester Cornelis - Matakena 1930
Batavia - Meelhuysen 1938
Buitenzorg - Meijer 1924
Malang - Milané 1920
Bangil - van Milt 1913
Buitenzorg - van der Moore 1923
Madioen - Neijndorff 1912
Batavia - Nolles 1940
Soerabaja - Nort 1950
Batavia - Ost 1908
Medan - Ottersberg 1941
Bandoeng - Panhuyzen 1949
Batavia - Pasman 1940
Soerabaja - Phefferkorn 1949
Tegal - Pieroeli 1929
Moena Raha - Pietersz 1922
Djokjakarta - Pijma 1898
Tjilatjap - Pikart 1930
Bonjol - Pikir 1913
Soerabaja - Pinte 1926
Piroe - Poetiray 1923
Djokjakarta - Poldermans 1942
Soerabaja - Rameau 1935
Batavia - Rangel 1947
Bandoeng - Rasker 1930
Weltevreden - Reijenga 1928
Weltevreden - Reket 1923
Batavia - Rekké 1924 [1]
Soekaboemi - Rekké 1935
Bandoeng - Rempt 1955
Medan - van Riel 1955
Makassar - Riem Vis 1948
Batavia - Roelen 1909
Bandoeng - Roldanus 1932
Tondjong - de Ronde 1918
Tjimahi - de Roo 1914
Tangerang - Roos 1923
Batavia - Roosen 1927
Semarang - van Roosendaal 1913 [1]
Soerabaja - Rosendahl 1928
Java - Rossknecht 1901
Soerabaja - Rossknecht 1924
Bandoeng - Roumimper 1921
Bandoeng - Roumimper 1947
Blitar - Roumimper 1950
Meester Cornelis - Roumimper 1937
Sitoebondo - Rozema 1933
Porrong - Ruben 1907
Bandoeng - Ruitenschild 1950
Batavia - Rusche 1929
Palembang - Samuels 1927
Kotaradja - Scheffer 1928
Magelang - Schilder 1932
Batavia - Schippers 1933
Bandoeng - Schoppema 1939
Batavia - Schulpen 1910
Semarang - Schütt 1930
Makassar - Schwab 1934
Bandoeng - Sieffers 1947
Batavia - Sijpestijn 1932
Pangkal Pinang - Sjukur 1934
Soerabaja - Sletering 1947
Batavia - Snoek 1924
Batavia - Sonépouse 1931
Batavia - Stapel 1906
Soerabaja - Steenmeyer 1947
Semarang - Stein 1934
Semarang - Stouten 1934
Magelang - Struikenkamp 1938
Bandoeng - Strüwer 1941
Bireuën - Struyk 1911
Tjiandjoer - Tatan 1939
Semarang - Thijssen 1946
Bandjermasin - Thio 1946
Semarang - Tholen 1934
Sungailiat - Tjhin 1927
Batavia - Toemeungte 1934
Batavia - Toot 1925
Ngoro Jombang - Valberg 1920
Piroe - van Veen 1935
Salatiga - van de Velde 1942
Kotaradja - van Velsen 1931
Bandoeng - Venster 1929
Batavia - Versteegh 1949
Batavia - Versteegh 1949
Batavia - Vertommen 1953
Medan - Visser 1935
Soekaboemi - Visser 1932
Sabang - Vogel 1922
Batavia - Vreede 1923
Batavia - de Vries 1933
Medan - de Waard 1931
Soerabaja - Walbeehm 1937
Gombong - Wassen 1929
Soerabaja - Weber 1913
Batavia - Wehry 1932
Solo - Weiler 1910
Tjimahi - Wijnans 1960
Batavia - Wijnmalen 1952
Sanga Sanga Dalam - Zegveld 1927
Semarang - Zuur 1918

The home of the Wemmers-Doelman family in Balikpapan (Borneo)
This post's title already indicates another post with the same subject. In both posts, you will find the names of deceased people born in the former Dutch East Indies, today Indonesia. Most of them were born in the 20th century, a few during the last years of the 19th century. All these people have in common that I have their obituary often showing more information such as other family members and contact addresses. If you are interested in receiving the obits of a certain surname, please let me know by mail (patmiebies at gmail dot com) and I'll send them to you.
The other post shows over 7,000 surnames. Together with more background information, they can be consulted here. This post now shows 263 surnames. The last update was on March 27, 2024.
There is now a total of 7,334 surnames in the collection.


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