
Sunday, 25 September 2016

Born in Batavia

This blog post is an extension of an earlier post published in December 2012. It is a collection of death notices of people born in the former Dutch East Indies mainly in the 20th century. The collection now consists of over 1,200 notices which include birth places.
Recently I ran into a number of city maps of Batavia, all published in the 1920's.  Combining the death notices of people born in Batavia and the city maps may enable family members to pinpoint the exact place where their relatives saw the first light of day.
I am not certain whether Weltevreden and Meester Cornelis were considered to be part of Batavia in those days. On the map it looks like a single urban area. Therefore, I included people born there as well.

On the above map (please click to enlarge) you see eight colored sections:

  1. North Batavia (black)
  2. Tanah Abang (orange)
  3. Tanah Abang north western part (blue)
  4. Molenvliet/Noordwijk (yellow)
  5. Batavia (red)
  6. Weltevreden (green)
  7. North Meester Cornelis (light blue)
  8. Meester Cornelis (red)
You will find all these sections below followed by many surnames of people born in Batavia, Weltevreden and Meester Cornelis.

I find it peculiar that a small text (printed on the top right hand corner) says that this map was published by the Japanese Department of Railways in Tokyo. Apparently already in those days (1920) the Japanese had a certain interest in the Dutch East Indies...

Section 1. North Batavia
Section 2. Tanah Abang
Section 3. Tanah Abang north western part
Source: Java Post
Section 4. Molenvliet/Noordwijk
Section 5. Batavia
Section 6. Weltevreden
Section 7. North Meester Cornelis
Section 8. Meester Cornelis
Birth place - Surname, Year of birth 
Batavia - Abram 1937 Batavia - Roovers 1939
Batavia - Balm 1927 Batavia - Roquas 1934
Batavia - Bamberg 1929 Batavia - Roso 1934 (1932)
Batavia - Baud 1941 Batavia - Roth 1912
Batavia - Baukema 1922 Batavia - Roumimper 1930
Batavia - Bieger 1938 Batavia - Ruchtie 1937
Batavia - Blaauw 1923 Batavia - Salm 1922 
Batavia - Blankert 1899 Batavia - Sänger 1924
Batavia - Blom 1928 Batavia - Sanggelorang 1973
Batavia - Bos 1934 Batavia - Schippers 1930
Batavia - Botellho 1947 Batavia - Schmutzer 1921 
Batavia - Broekhuizen 1935 Batavia - Schneider 1932 
Batavia - Bruineman 1919 Batavia - Schot 1930
Batavia - Campioni 1899  Batavia - Schrijn 1950
Batavia - Conté 1949 Batavia - Schröder 1933
Batavia - Cremer 1926 Batavia - Seerden 1938
Batavia - de Back 1934 Batavia - Simon 1925
Batavia - de Clercq Zubli 1932 Batavia - Simons 1924
Batavia - de Graaff 1922 Batavia - Slagter 1916
Batavia - de Groot 1949 Batavia - Slors 1937
Batavia - de Ruyter de Wildt 1935  Batavia - Smith 1922
Batavia - de Schrijver 1932 Batavia - Snijders 1920 [1]
Batavia - de Seriére 1938  Batavia - Soesman 1940 
Batavia - de Vogel 1921 [Wd] Batavia - Soute 1948
Batavia - de Vries 1939 [1]  Batavia - Sparenberg 1952
Batavia - de Vries 1940 [1] Batavia - Spiering 1934
Batavia - de Wit 1912 Batavia - Spronk 1923
Batavia - Deinum 1936 Batavia - Steevensz 1917
Batavia - Dirksen 1939 Batavia - Stokvis 1947
Batavia - Donse 1926 Batavia - Stoltenborgh 1921
Batavia - Duinker 1924  Batavia - Stolz 1934
Batavia - Elias 1920 Batavia - Taen 1924
Batavia - Emmink 1910 Batavia - Taen 1927
Batavia - Evers 1950 Batavia - Tan 1926 
Batavia - Feenstra 1952 Batavia - Tan 1938
Batavia - Feith 1923 [1] Batavia - ten Hoff 1942
Batavia - Fuchter 1913 Batavia - ter Haar 1917
Batavia - Gie 1928 Batavia - Twiss 1919
Batavia - Glastra van Loon 1926 Batavia - Ukkerman 1913 
Batavia - Greve 1928  Batavia - Utrecht 1940
Batavia - Guljé 1948 Batavia - van Boetzelaer ca 1913
Batavia - Haasse 1918  Batavia - van Buttingha Wichers 1931
Batavia - Haga 1927  Batavia - van Buuren 1949 
Batavia - Hageman 1933 Batavia - van den Assem 1934
Batavia - Halbertsma 1930  Batavia - van den Broeke 1919 
Batavia - Hall 1922 Batavia - van den Dool 1948 [1]
Batavia - Heijenbrok 1930 Batavia - van der Lee 1929
Batavia - Heijning 1932 Batavia - van Dongen 1934 [1] 
Batavia - Hidding 1932 Batavia - van Driem 1935
Batavia - Hinze 1907 [Wd] Batavia - van Driest 1916
Batavia - Hoeben 1941 Batavia - van Eek ca1894 
Batavia - Hoencamp 1938  Batavia - van Eldik 1923
Batavia - Hooij 1867   Batavia - van Geuns 1949
Batavia - Hoppenbrouwer 1947 Batavia - van Hasselt 1927
Batavia - Horst 1930  Batavia - van Hout 1939
Batavia - Huidekoper 1941  Batavia - van Joost 1934 
Batavia - Hulshoff 1923 Batavia - van Keeken 1917
Batavia - Jacobs 1921  Batavia - van Kessel 1932
Batavia - Jansen 1929  Batavia - van Lindonk 1934 
Batavia - Jap 1933 Batavia - van Linkhuyzen 1920
Batavia - Jekel 1933 Batavia - van Reijsen 1938
Batavia - Jonkman 1928 Batavia - van Rijn 1927
Batavia - Jonkman 1942 Batavia - van Santen 1926
Batavia - Kal 1909 Batavia - van Santen 1937
Batavia - Kater 1928  Batavia - van Velthuijsen 1936 
Batavia - Keller 1918 Batavia - Verdooren 1942
Batavia - Kersten 1925 Batavia - Vermeule 1939
Batavia - Keukenmeester 1916  Batavia - Vis 1937
Batavia - Kist 1933 Batavia - Visser 1920 
Batavia - Knegtmans 1915 Batavia - Vogel 1937
Batavia - Knol 1926  Batavia - Voorbeijtel Cannenburg 1919 
Batavia - Koek 1922 Batavia - Vreede 1924 
Batavia - Kroonenberg 1923 Batavia - Wallbrink 1926 
Batavia - Kuisch 1930 Batavia - Warnaar 1931 
Batavia - Kuyck 1927 Batavia - Wasch 1922
Batavia - Lentze 1934 Batavia - Wieringa 1925
Batavia - Levelt 1934 Batavia - Wijlacker 1927 
Batavia - Luyt 1922  Batavia - Wijnstok 1925
Batavia - Maas Geesteranus 1940 Batavia - Wolf 1921
Batavia - Mac Gillavry 1930 Batavia - Woutman 1918 
Batavia - Mac Gillavry 1938 Batavia - Zuur 1940
Batavia - Madsen 1928 Meester Cornelis - Brouwer 1925
Batavia - Maingay 1939  Meester Cornelis - de Vries 1925 
Batavia - Marmelstein 1946 Meester Cornelis - Heineman 1936
Batavia - Martèl 1924 Meester Cornelis - Hes 1919 
Batavia - Meerkamp van Embden 1923 Meester Cornelis - Jacobs 1929
Batavia - Meijer 1939 [1]  Meester Cornelis - Schey 1918 
Batavia - Meijer 1939 [2]  Meester Cornelis - van Arkel 1923 
Batavia - Menke 1922 Meester Cornelis - van Zegen 1899
Batavia - Mesman Schultz 1941  Weltevreden - Botman 1920 (1)
Batavia - Moorrees 1938 Weltevreden - Carbaat 1922
Batavia - Mulder 1929 Weltevreden - de Meester 1927
Batavia - Muller 1936 Weltevreden - Klein 1916 
Batavia - Mutter 1940 Weltevreden - Koomans 1920
Batavia - Naumann 1924 Weltevreden - Lensvelt 1929
Batavia - Nettekoven 1957 Weltevreden - Maas 1912 
Batavia - Neumann 1919 Weltevreden - Maas 1918 
Batavia - Nooteboom 1934 Weltevreden - Maas 1920 
Batavia - Patoir 1947 Weltevreden - Roozen 1920 
Batavia - Paulus 1949 Weltevreden - Smit 1922
Batavia - Prins 1918 Weltevreden - Spaan 1915
Batavia - Quelle 1942 Weltevreden - Ukkerman 1916
Batavia - Razoux Schultz 1930 Weltevreden - van Buttingha Wichers 1929 
Batavia - Reuter 1939 Weltevreden - van Daalen 1918 
Batavia - Rhemrev 1929 Weltevreden - van Zuylen 1928
Batavia - Richel 1938  Weltevreden - Wijnberg 1928 
Batavia - Rissik 1927

In case you are interested to receive a particular copy death notice, please send me an email. My address is patmiebies at gmail dot com. Inserting a comment underneath this post is another possiblility. Any other remark about this blog post is welcome as well!

Apart from this post about Batavia, there is another one about Semarang. Please click here to see it. to see it.


  1. Wonderful overview of the city where I was also born. Would appreciate it very much if you could add my name in the list of this fantastic poster.
    Batavia - Frietman 1940

    1. Possibly the text of this post is not very clear but all people mentioned already passed away ...
      The list is there to tell readers that upon request I can send them the relevant death notice.
      So I assume that for the time being you are not interested to be part of the list :-)
      Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. It's a bit confusing because it says "Place of Birth - Last Name, Year of Birth"
    Anyway, thanks for correcting my request.
    Is there a slightly more detailed map of the 10th Battalion location?

    1. Sorry but I am not aware of such a map.

  3. Dear Peter, is there a more detail er map of section 8 Meester Cornelis

    1. Sorry but this is all I have. However, you could try the site where the map came from

    2. Hello It is possible that the question about the map has already been answered, but here a link to a big Map of Batavia With Meester Cornelis on Map look at, coordinate A-5.

    3. Thank you for mentioning this link! The map is very clear.

  4. Dear Peter, is there a more detail er map of section 3,I'm interested in the spatial history of Batavia.

    1. Not that I know of, sorry. But you might try the people at Java Post (link in the illustration title).


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