
Monday, 2 July 2018

My claim to fame (2)

After several years I again managed to appear in a paper. Last time it was in the national daily NRC Handelsblad. This time it was in our weekly local newspaper Nieuwsblad Castricum. But let me nuance this a bit. It is not my face appearing in the paper but one of my flags. An my flagpole. Maybe I should expand a bit here.

When we lived in Amstelveen we thought it would be a nice idea to have a flagpole in front of the house.

But a pole without a flag is like a regiment without a banner. It's kind of nude. Usually people only use their flagstaffs on the occasion of the Kings birthday or National Liberation Day. And it is just the national flag that is being shown. So I thought it would be nice to get myself a few more flags and display those when the occasion arises. The first flag I bought was the Italian national flag. That was to celebrate my (Italian) neighbors birthday. And ever since my collection expanded either because I bought flags or people kindly gave me flags they had in their possession.

Also in our new house in Castricum I found a place to put a pole. Bad weather and strong winds excepted I try to flag every day. Sometimes to mark an occasion like Canada Day or (like today) the Flemish Lion when the Belgian team is playing during the World Championship soccer.
Recently a kind gentleman approached me and handed me three flags among which the one of Amsterdam. That same gentleman made the picture below from his house and had it published in the Nieuwsblad Castricum. I thank him for this free publicity!