
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Sepia Saturday - Words, words, words

Usually the term 'spreading the word' has a different meaning, certainly if the noun in this phrase is written with a capital W. But that is not my interpretation of the theme picture of this week (see at the end of this post). As you can see the word 'tele....' is written on the wall. My guess is that the full text reads something like: "Telegraph a Cablegram". 
Most of the boys/men you see are Western Union messengers and thus involved in the physical distribution of words. In most countries that profession is extinct and overtaken by short message services (SMS), email and other internet applications. However, when my mum and dad married in 's-Gravenhage (The Hague) on November 18, 1942 they received seven congratulatory telegrams. 
In those days telegrams were handled solely by state owned Dutch Postal Authority, the P.T.T. This abbreviation stood for 'Post, Telefoon, Telegraaf'. (The translation of these words won't be a problem for you. Dutch and English seem to be very close here.)
At the time a number of forms were used to present the telegram to the recipient. Of course there was the form for all purposes.
And another form for day to day use.
In case you wonder what the senders of this cable had to pay for its delivery, the P.T.T. people have been kind enough to affix a decal on the back of one of these telegrams.
It reads: "Send a telegram, quick and cheap. In the interior 10 words 25 cents" That doesn't sound too bad but you have to appreciate the fact that the stamp for an ordinary postcard was 4 cents. In other words, the cost was 6 times as high for just a few words.
Next to the standard telegraph format, there were at least two congratulatory forms.

I have to say that I find the envelope of this one (left) a bit amateurish. And the telegram itself (below) doesn't make it any better. But I don't know whether the sender was given a choice which form was to be used at destination.
The second one looks more professional. There are all kinds of symbols depicting happiness: flowers, flying birds and a girl being congratulated with her tennis victory. Also a newly married couple and next to it their future as anticipated by the Postal Authority: the happy couple with a baby in a cradle.
Apparently the postmen also catered for jubilees at work. The three drawings on the right seem to point in that direction. Doing one's duty for say 25 years calls for a cablegram as well, they must have thought.
On one of the cables I found this text in red. Among others it said that you could have your own unique cable address. (If I remember well the address of my former employer KLM Royal Dutch Airlines was TRANSAERA.) The annual maintenance fee amounted to 12 Dutch guilders. Delivery of telegrams was possible on a deluxe form. Additional cost: 25 cents for domestic delivery and 50 cents abroad. Since we are talking 1942 here I wonder whether sending a telegram was possible to any country e.g. to "enemy countries". Probably not.
telegram condities
Apart from these telegrams I have another 35 congratulatory letters and postcards that mark this occasion that took place 2,5 years into WW2. Fortunately the happy couple did not know that the worst was yet to come.

On October 11, 1943 the service to send congratulatory telegrams was cancelled due to a shortage of paper. In 1944 forwarding this type of telegram was cancelled altogether. 

Sepia Saturday
The postman always rings twiceFor more postmen stories you can turn to the Sepia Saturday site. Alternatively he may call at your door. And if you didn't hear him, remember, the postman always rings twice!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Sepia Saturday - Sales Promotion

The theme picture of this week shows a North Carolina shop front. It seems the proprietors, the Dughi brothers, sell a.o. fruit and vegetables including bananas. The latter surprised me a bit. Assuming they are not grown locally (wrong?), they have been imported. The picture is from the very early part of the 20th century. In those days it must have been quite an achievement to import bananas possibly from Central America and get them to destination in an edible condition. An oyster saloon seems to be part of the Dughi's enterprise. It is difficult for me to imagine what that is. It is the saloon part that intrigues me. To me that is not the most logical venue to eat oysters. Or does the word 'saloon' also have other meanings? But I digress. The fact is that we have very few shopkeepers in the family. And the number of pictures showing their enterprises corresponds with that fact. The best I can do is refer you to an earlier post about my grandfather. He was managing the accounting department of a grocery store procurement organization.
So I allowed my mind to make some overtime to see whether I could come up with an associated subject. After an hour or so, and after having rejected all thoughts about saloons, my brain produced the word 'advertising'. Because that is what the Dughi's have been doing as well. There are a couple of signboards visible and may be they did some advertising in the local newspaper. And, very important, they were also dependant on mouth to mouth advertising. Upsetting their clientele was not in their interest. So advertising it is. I'll show you a few examples from the world where I came from: air transport.
Most pictures are part of a collection of photo's saved from a KLM Copenhagen office by two of my colleagues, the late Bert Besseling and Aris Zwart.
Fleurop Interflora KLM
Say it with Flowers
The above Danish poster is a joint advertising campaign of KLM and Fleurop, also known as Interflora. Originally a German organization, Fleurop is instrumental in delivering bunches of cutflowers to individuals worldwide. They started doing this in 1908 and they still do this today!
KLM Advertising
A fine banking relationship, advantageous travelling
 The background of this ad is the situation just after WW2. In those days it was not allowed to exchange limitless amount of your own currency into foreign denominations. But KLM was claiming that things were possible thanks to the good relations they apparently had with the banking community in Denmark. In the bottom right hand corner it is suggested that foreign currency matters can be handled. My understanding of  the Danish language is no more what it used to be. So my interpretation of this ad may not be 100% correct.
KLM Cargo Worldspeed
Who gives parcels under 100 kg a service that is beyond the clouds?
KLM's Worldspeed!
KLM's Worldspeed product was a small package serve intended to compete with the so called integrators such as Fedex, DHL and UPS. Despite a worldwide advertising campaign in all kinds of trade journals, it turned out to be failure. My involvement in the development of this product apparently was not decisive...
KLM Autobusbedrijf advertising
25% reduced fares for round trips during night time
KLM had its own bus company providing scheduled service from Schiphol Airport to a.o. Amsterdam (Leidseplein) and The Hague (Varkensmarkt). And why not use these buses to display your ads. Here 'red eye specials' to a number of European destinations are being promoted.
The last picture shows that not everything displayed in a shop window is intended for sale. It is a photo I made in the city of Maastricht several years ago. The city is situated in the Dutch province of Limburg. Please also note the photobomb in this picture. For those who think this photo is in reaction to attempts by one Sepian to seduce us with erotica, you are wrong.
For more shops, their owners and their marketing efforts, please click here and you'll get to see everything you (n)ever wanted to buy and more.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Sepia Saturday - Looking back

The big question this week is, why is the gentleman in the foreground turning around, what does he see and is there a beginning of a surprised look visible in his face? I am happy to let you know that I am in a position to answer all these questions and more. How come you ask. Well, it so happens that I met the driver of the truck. The man looked vaguely familiar to me. He insisted on telling me what he had seen in his rearview mirror. He admitted that of course he also had to watch the road ahead and that his rear view was partially blocked by the passenger behind him. But that didn't stop him from noticing a few remarkable things. Frankly, I admire him for his ability to even see minor details while he must have seen those only very briefly. But that is what makes an excellent driver. So when I spoke to the trucker, he said that the first thing he saw was a farmstead. 
Farmstead "Brielzicht" located on the Zandweg, Rozenburg
From his description of the farm I was almost certain that it was the farm that belonged to the grandparents of my maternal grandmother. Their names were Arij Barendregt (1836-1911) and Meinsje Qualm (ca 1839-1894). Rozenburg was an island near Rotterdam. It does no longer exist. The (is)land was needed for the many extensions of the port.
Ber Schregel (l) and my father Johannes Cornelis Miebies
The next situation he described was that of two men on their bikes. It looked like they were going on a camping holiday by bike. The men resembled my father and his friend and colleague Ber Schregel. They both worked for the Ministry of the Interior in The Hague. I believe they are seen here bicycling in the street where my grandparents lived, the Mispelstraat in The Hague. My guess is that it is 1938 or 1939, just prior to WW2.
But there was no end to my surprise.
F.l.t.r. my brother, my mother and my 1st cousin Marijke
My mysterious friend now told me he saw a charming lady walking with two kids in the The Hague Appelstraat. His guess was that it was 1953. His description of the lady was so detailed, that I immediately recognized my mother Johanna Huberta Miebies-de Langen.
Hardly recovered from my surprise, my eye witness winked at me and said he also remembered a sepia spectacle.
An unknown company at an unknown location with my
maternal grandparents in the blue circle
Despite the fact that he gave a very detailed explanation of what he saw, it did not ring a bell. But just when I was about to give up, he told me of this couple in the blue circle. His description was so precise that my maternal grandparents immediately appeared in my mind. Obviously they were part of a travel group some time before WW2. But where? I don't know.
"Speaking of travel", my spokesman said, "the last thing I saw in my rearview mirror, was an aeroplane trying to make an emergency landing. But funny enough it stayed in the air", he said with a smile. 
One of the first air crashes
My mind wandered away to a collection of old airplane pictures that I have. Two of my KLM colleagues saved some 3,000 photo's from the Copenhagen dustmen. And this was one of them. I looked up to my truck driver to explain my connection with this picture. But there was no one to talk to, he had disappeared in thin air. Had I been dreaming? Who was this person? Why did he look so familiar? Why did all these pictures have a connection with my family? Coincidence? Suddenly a shiver ran down my spine. 
And I don't even believe in ghosts...

For more spiritual experiences please have a look at other Sepia Saturday stories.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Sepia Saturday - Auntie Miriam

Auntie Miriam
Dear Sepians, this is a call for help. Not for myself but for someone who is dear to me. That particular someone is instrumental in providing me with an occupational therapy each and every week. He sees to it that almost every weekend I do a lot of reading on subjects I never dreamed or heard about before. He taught me to carefully study pictures, to interpret what I see and to show my feelings in writing. This gentleman needs help. Usually he digs up his exercise material in nooks and crannies all over the world. But apparently he has exhausted all his sources. It has now come to the point where he has to exploit images of his own family! This week he had to put his own aunt on display... Now, I ask you, does this man deserve support, yes or no? I suggest that in future we call the second Sepia Saturday in January Auntie Miriam Saturday. I know this is just a small gesture but I'm sure Alan needs all the help he can get.
I think it is my duty that in honor of Auntie Miriam I stay as close to this week's theme as I can. So below you'll see a few photo's portraying among others my maternal grandparents. But first a lady I don't know. Her picture is part of an album I received from my good friend John D. All I know is that the album concerns an Amsterdam family.
Unknown lady
 Judging by the ladies' dress this looks like a picture taken in the 20's.  The chair is of a well known type in use on Dutch beaches until well into the fifties. In those days (20's) apparently it was quite common to go to the beach in full dress. On the photo below you see the same chairs and the same habit. My mum is playing in the sand probably on a beach near The Hague. I estimate she is 3-4 years old there dating this sepia around 1921. 
F.l.t.r. a Belgian relative, my grandfather Gerardus Theodorus de Langen
(1888-1967) and his wife Antje Doelman (1892-1984)
I have no idea where the next picture was taken. The tower to the right is completely unknown to me. I do not recollect such a construction anywhere near Scheveningen or Kijkduin. Maybe a connoisseur of prewar swimwear can tell me when men stopped wearing these unisex bathing suits. The lady on the right is my grandmother. Can't remember ever having seen her in beach attire.
My grandfather with two beach beauties.
The last picture also comes from my friends' album again. I would say it was taken in the fifties. All I can say about this photo is that she must have had a muscular boyfriend. 
A lady on a beach post
To pay tribute to more beach ladies, please turn to the Sepia Saturday beach lovers site.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Dutch born abroad

Pre WW2 Dutch passport
Please scroll down for a summary in English.
Vorige maand ben ik begonnen met de publicatie van een lijst van mensen die in Nederlands Indië geboren zijn. Die lijst beperkt zich tot mensen die inmiddels zijn overleden én waarvan een rouwadvertentie in NRC Handelsblad of een zeer beperkt aantal andere kranten heeft gestaan. Achtergrond is het feit dat een Burgerlijke Stand in Indië nauwelijks bestond. Eveneens het gegeven dat vaak helemaal niet bekend is dat iemand in het buitenland is geboren, speelde een rol bij het opzetten van die lijst.
Als een soort "bijvangst" bij het samenstellen van genoemde lijst, liep ik natuurlijk ook tegen advertenties aan van personen die elders in het buitenland geboren zijn. Voor hen geldt veelal ook dat onbekendheid met dat feit, leidt tot nodeloze zoektochten binnen Nederland. In een aantal gevallen lijkt het te gaan om mensen van een andere nationaliteit die op enig moment met iemand van Nederlandse nationaliteit getrouwd zijn resp. in Nederland zijn komen wonen. De lijst is alfabetisch gesorteerd op de eerste letter van de achternaam. Voor het geval u in één van deze 321 namen geïnteresseerd bent, kunt u contact met mij opnemen door het geven van een reactie onderaan dit blog of door mij een e-mail te sturen (patmiebies at gmail dot com). Dan stuur ik u een scan van de relevante rouwadvertentie. 

Next to a list of people born in the Dutch East Indies I am now developing a list of Dutch nationals born outside The Netherlands. It also concerns foreigners who married a Dutch national or just came to live in Holland. The thing they have in common is the fact that they all passed away and that their obituary was published in Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The list has been sorted by the first letter of the surname. In case you are interested in one of these names please contact me and I'll send you a scan of the relevant obituary.

(NA) Curacao - Angelina 1947.jpg
(PL) Lwow - Anstadt 1920.jpg
(D) Mittenwald - Albrecht 1928.jpg
(F) Paris - Almström 1933 [1].jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - Buyne 1952.jpg
(UK) Manchester - Barends 1918.jpg
(USA) New York - Buitenhuis 1927.jpg
(Ven) Caracas - de Blank 1949.jpg
(Ven) Coquivacoa - van den Burg 1948 [1].jpg
(D) Greifswald - Beckmann 1941.jpg
(H) Pecöl - Bódis 1960.jpg
(JPN) Kobe - van Breukelen 1920.jpg
(Austr) Sydney - Brouwers 1931.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Bonofacio 1933.jpg
(NA) Willemstad - van Bochove 1940.jpg
(B) Antwerp - van den Bosch 1922 [1].jpg
(D) Frankfurt - Brenninkmeijer 1932 [1].jpg
(D) Heidelberg - Baumgärtner 1948.jpg
(D) Berlijn - van Bruggen 1933.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Bos van Doorneveld 1938.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - Boissevain 1964 [1].jpg
(F) Chaumont - Boumans 1960.jpg
(DK) Randers - Bloch Petersen 1945.jpg
(A) Friedau - Brodar 1941.jpg
(CHN) Shanghai - Bleeker 1920.jpg
(D) Magdeburg - Bickelhaupt 1932.jpg
(UK) Neath - Blazey 1934.jpg
(Paraq) Asuncion - Bosch 1916.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - Brown 1964.jpg
(NA) Willemstad - Bijloo 1954 [1].jpg
(Qmk) Padjet - Brand 1942.jpg
(D) Wisch - Berkhout 1928.jpg
(UK) Stourbridge - la Barre 1909
(B) Ukkel - Buyse 1948
(H) Budapest - Blaschnek 1923
(ZA) George - de Bruyn 1921
(B) Brussel - van Best 1936
(D) Berlijn - Boehmer 1941
(USA) Perth Amboy - Boumeester 1927
(USA) Philadelphia - Butler 1921
(CH) Basel - Bartel 1913
(UK) Kilmacolm - Burnet 1924
(D) Bad Salzuflen - Bunselmeyer 1924
(B) Neerpelt - Cuypers 1932.jpg
(D) Cassel - Cramer 1920.jpg
(UK) Cambridge - Cramer 1957.jpg
(HK) Hong Kong - Chan 1929.jpg
(D) Essen - Cohn 1925.jpg
(F) Paris - Chambaret 1952.jpg
(Braz) Rio de Janeiro - Collot d'Escury 1952.jpg
(NA) Oranjestad - Colina 2002.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Cova 1942.jpg
(S) Eskilstuna - Carlson 1937
(IT) Rome - Camilli 1979
(B) Brussel - Corwin 1935
(IT) Milaan - Carpaneto 1934
(B) Brussel - Delacroix 1920.jpg
(Can) Toronto - Deij 1926.jpg
(F) Chalons - Duterlay 1974.jpg
(India) Dehra Dun - Dev 1931.jpg
(D) Herzlake - Düsenborg 1921.jpg
(PT) Leça de Palmeira - van Dorsser 1934.jpg
(B) Oostende - Declerck 1934.jpg
(F) Poulton-le-Fylde - Davies 1945.jpg
(UK) Oxford - Deane Jones 1926.jpg
(TK) Izmir - Dutilh 1939.jpg
(India) Dehra Dun - van Es 1966.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - Denz  1931.jpg
(Bul) Sofia - Dabrowski.jpg
(CZ) Praag - Diamant 1962.jpg
(UK) Stretford - Dixon 1946.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Donker 1931
(B) Brugge - van Daalen 1936
(CHN) Nanjing - Dikkers 2009
(UK) Guildford - Dukkers van Emden 1949
(H) Polgar - Dacz 1940
(Sur) Commewijne - van Emden 1909.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - van Eck 1934.jpg
(Austr?) Mackay - van Exel 1944.jpg
(B) Antwerp - van Evercooren 1908.jpg
(USA) Minneapolis - Evans 1929.jpg
(D) Hanau - Eicher 1954.jpg
(Sp) Barcelona - Engelsman 1925
(USA) Bronxville - van Egmond 1943
(USA) Decatur - van Eeghen 1991 [1]
(B) Weerle - Engelen 1908
(UK) Glasgow - Foley 1917.jpg
(S) Karlskoga - Ferwerda 1950 [1].jpg
(ZA) Pretoria - Feeke 1960.jpg
(D) Göttingen - Frensdorf 1922.jpg
(D) Duisburg - Gold 1926.jpg
(CZ) Brno - Gadourek 1923.jpg
(R) Natirbow - Gerus 1919.jpg
(D) Dresden - Garnman 1923.jpg
(Austr) Penrith - van Gorkom 1960.jpg
(RO) Boekarest - de Goede 1949.jpg
(D) Berlijn - Goldschmidt 1916.jpg
(Eth) Addis Abeba - Gerzon 1949.jpg
(A) Bregenz - Gränitz 1922.jpg
(D) Berlijn - Getreuer 1923.jpg
(UK) Aylesbury - Griffin 1923
(CHN) Shanghai - van Gijn 1924
(B) Kortrijk - van Gheluwe 1926
(D) Coburg - van Goudoever 1930
(D) Dresden - Grundman 1942
(NA) Aruba - van Gendt 1933
(D) Celle - Hellwig 1949.jpg
(Ven) Caracas - Habermehl 1956.jpg
(Birma) Rangoon - Hees 1911.jpg
(D) Saarbrücken - Hilgemann 1963.jpg
(D) München - Herz 1941.jpg
(UK) New Mills - Henderson 1923.jpg
(B) Ukkel - Heip 1945.jpg
(JPN) Kobe - van Haaps 1935.jpg
(UK) London - Hughes 1923.jpg
(PL) Stettin - Hamburg 1924 [1].jpg
(D) Kettwig - Haardt 1913.jpg
(Austr) Brisbane - Holzschuher von Harrlach 1960.jpg
(B) Tienen - van Herck 1945.jpg
(D) Kiel - Horree 1962.jpg
(UK) Preston - Herbert 1919
(Col) Bogota - Heijmerink 1963
(CH) Bern - Henzi 1923
(UK) Perth - Hayward 1951
(YU) Zagreb - Hillebrand 1914
(UK) St Pancras - Harting 1923
(PL) Breslau - Heinzel 1932
(Congo) Elizabethville - Hulsmans 1933
(B) Antwerp - Heiboer 1924
(Austr) Perth - Herbert 1922
(D) Düsseldorf - Hollmann 1927
(Can) Nelson - Heathcote 1923
(D) Hannover - Ibsch 1935.jpg
(A) Wiener Neustadt - Jusek 1953.jpg
(D) Bad Kreuznach - de Joode 1924.jpg
(NA) Bubali - Jippes 1936.jpg
(CZ) Praag - Jupa 1932.jpg
(B) Brugge - Jacobs 1954
(D) Bad Freienwalde - Keilson 1909.jpg
(D) Stuttgart - Krinke 1942.jpg
(DK) Copenhagen - Knudsen 19...jpg
(Sp) Madrid - Kerremans 1968.jpg
(D) Kleef - Kuijten 1935.jpg
(RO) Moreni - Kuiper 1932.jpg
(D) Hamburg - Köhn 1936.jpg
(D) Stadtallendorf - Kopp 1949.jpg
(NA) Aruba - Karduks 1952.jpg
(USA) New York - König.jpg
(Peru) Lima - Knorth 1980.jpg
(DK) Copenhagen - Kramers 1923.jpg
(PL) Lemberg - Kirschner 1928.jpg
(F) Straatsburg - Klinkenberg 1932.jpg
(Fin) Helsinki - Kangaspunta 1956.jpg
(D) Frankfurt - de Kruijf 1928
(USA) Paterson - Kolko 1932.jpg
(UK) Wellingborough - Keunen 1938
(UK) London - Kleingeld 1961
(A) Wenen - van der Kuy 1929
(D) Stuttgart - Kahn 1935
(NA) Curacao - Kwartsz 1941
(USA) Stephenville - Kranenburg 1998
(USA) Charleston - Kleeman 1931
(F) Paris - Leroux 1921.jpg
(IT) Sori - Long 1917.jpg
(NA) Willemstad - Labega 1931.jpg
(RO) Campina - Leyds 1921.jpg
(Sur) Nieuw Nickerie - Leefmans 1933.jpg
(Sur) Alkmaar - Legêne 1923.jpg
(D) Nürnberg - Loose 1923.jpg
(Fin) Helsinki - Launis 1930.jpg
(CH) Basel - van Laer 1932.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Lansberg 1920.jpg
(F) Paris - Lugt 1913.jpg
(F) Mosles - Lainé 1926 .jpg
(NA) Sint Maarten - Langemeijer 1919.jpg
(UK) Wallasey - Linley 1923.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - van Luijk 1949 [1]
(RO) Campina - Leyds 1923 [1]
(UK) Glasgow - Lazauckas 1924.jpg
(DK) Struer - Lysgaard Jørgensen 1923
(Braz) Ipueiras - Lourenco 1967
(H) Pécs - Landesz 1927
(D) Berljn - Mansfeld 1930.jpg
(Egypt) Zakazik - El-Marasy 1933.jpg
(USA) Detroit - Mair 1961.jpg
(USA) East Orange - Mulvihill 1946.jpg
(B) Antwerp - Mahieu 1937.jpg
(CH) Pully - Misteli 1928.jpg
(SIN) Singapore - Matveld 1915.jpg
(USA) St. Paul MN - Mclean 1932.jpg
(D) Lübeck - Meyer 1909.jpg
(D) Bielefeld - Meyer 1924
(B) Leuven - Mollinger
(D) Trier - Meijer 1955
(JPN) Okayama - Namba 1926.jpg
(B) Brussel - Nieulant Pelkman 1920.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - Nandpersad ca 1954.jpg
(RO) Boekarest - Nicolau.jpg
(DK) Odense - Nielsen Gerlach 1924
(NA) Willemstad - van Nieuwkerk 1946
(CH) Hergiswil - Niermeijer 1950
(D) Bonn - Olof 1924.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Oppenhuizen 1937.jpg
(Col) Cali - Otera Quijano 1927.jpg
(Indon) Jakarta - Oorthuys 1950 [1].jpg
(A) Gross-Sierning - Polly 1929.jpg
(Can) Mission City - Piers 1943.jpg
(CH) Montreux - Pais 1943.jpg
(NA) Sint Eustatius - Philipszoon 1931.jpg
(B) Ekeren - Poels 1939.jpg
(A) Wenen - Praxmarer 1922.jpg
(NA) Willemstad - de Palm 1922.jpg
(UK) Padiham - Pollard 1930.jpg
(D) Wisch - Pierik 1932.jpg
(F) Calonne-Ricouart - Quillié 1922.jpg
(B) Machelen a/d Leie - Raveel 1921.jpg
(UK) London - Rutgers 1927.jpg
(ZA) Pretoria - Roosmale Nepveu 1928.jpg
(D) Schiefbahn - Rübsteck 1923.jpg
(A) Stuben - Radlach Pries 1945.jpg
(Botswana) - Rhebergen 1985.jpg
(B) Antwerp - Ruys 1914 [1].jpg
(UK) Birmingham - Roberts 1920.jpg
(B) Antwerp - Rischke 1940.jpg
(NA) Curacao - van Rooijen 1968.jpg
(F) Saint Maur des Fossés - Röell 1924.jpg
(B) Neu-Moresnet - van der Raadt 1929.jpg
(H) Budapest - van Royen 1930.jpg
(CH) Zürich - de Ronde Bresser 1935.jpg
(UK) Scarborough - Richardson 1920
(Ukraine) Budzanow - Rotenstreich 1912
(D) Düsseldorf - Rubinstein 1921
(Can) Guelph - van Riemsdijk 1943-2011 [1]
(UK) Birmingham - Roberts 1944
(NA) Aruba - Redeker 1947
(CH) Zürich - Schneider 1942.jpg
(CH) Zürich - Schönholzer 1937.jpg
(D) Hamburg - Stork 1916.jpg
(F) Brest - du Saussois du Jonc 1916.jpg
(Maleisië) Pinang - Swart 1923.jpg
(UK) Littlebourne - Sandbach 1933.jpg
(D) Berlijn - Stutterheim 1919.jpg
(H) Budapest - Szakács 1935.jpg
(CHN) Shanghai - Sont 1924
(D) Berlijn - Schlesinger 1923.jpg
(YU) Belgrado  - Stefanović 1936.jpg
(D) Hamburg - Sachs 1927.jpg
(FIJI) Ba - Singh 1948.jpg
(USA) New York - Siegelaub 1941.jpg
(D) Bochum - Schaffmeister 1930.jpg
(NA) Curacao - Sperwer 1940.jpg
(Arg) Buenos Aires - Salovicz Navarro 1930.jpg
(H) Pécs - Steinmetz 1949.jpg
(Can) Toronto - Steketee 1959.jpg
(D) Dresden - Siewers 1931.jpg
(B) Sint-Gillis-Waas - van Severen 1937.jpg
(Phil) Manila - Suarez 1919.jpg
(A) Tulln - Skoda 1928.jpg
(B) Elsene - Stone 1939.jpg
(UK) London - Scott 1944.jpg
(Birma) Rangoon - Strooker 1932
(D) Oldenfelde - van der Schalk 1919
(D) Wölmsdorf - Schwarzt 1935
(SIN) Singapore - Swart 1921
(Tjech) Ket - Szirmai 1925
(Servië) Gornji Meljani - Smoljanic
(D) Linz am Rhein - Schot 1927
(D) Genthin - Schäeffer 1947
(D) München - Tromp Meesters 1929.jpg
(TK) Istanbul - Toker 1943.jpg
(NA) Willemstad - Thijssen 1938.jpg
(D) Gelbelsee - Trost 1950.jpg
(Fin) Liperi - Taskinen 1930.jpg
(UK) Pontardilais - Treharne Thomas 1920.jpg
(Col) Bogota - Torres Rodriguez 1927
(Fin) Uppsala - Törnqvist 1932
(Sur) Nieuw Nickerie - Tjon Tjauw Liem 1922
(B) Esen-Diksmuide - Uleyn 1926.jpg
(CH) Zürich - Valerio 1923.jpg
(D) Pforzheim - Vetter 1937.jpg
(IT) Ortisei - Vinatzer 1920.jpg
(F) Parijs-Vink 1924.jpg
(D) Backnang - Vogt 1941
(USA) Detroit - Vatri 1937
(B) Mortsel - Verhaegen 1963
(Austr) Sydney - de Vos van Steenwijk 1942
(TK) Ankara - Visser 1943
(PL) Siedlce - Waślicka 1955.jpg
(S) Malmö - Wilck 1927.jpg
(CH) Bern - Witt 1918.jpg
(B) Antwerp - van Wijck 1937.jpg
(HK) Victoria - Woutman 1923.jpg
(Indon) Jember - Wanamarta 1958
(NA) Willemstad - Vasquez 1947.jpg
(Sur) Paramaribo - de Vries 1950.jpg
(CH) Basel - Waldner 1923.jpg
(PL) Inowroclaw - Werner 1945.jpg
(D) Viersen - Weyers 1950 [1].jpg
(Arg) Diamanthe - Waller 1924.jpg
(D) Wisch - Wigéri van Edema 1930.jpg
(B) Brugge - Willems 1939.jpg
(D) Frankfurt - Weerts 1970.jpg
(B) Ukkel - Wingen 1931.jpg
(Indon) Medan - van de Waal 1952.jpg
(PL) Warschau - Wolf 1928.jpg
(Can) Edmonton - van Walsum 1955
(ZA) Pretoria - de Wit 1938
(F) Paris - Weber 1929
(Zim) Bulawayo - Wilkinson 1925
(A) Graz - Weingraber 1917
(UK) Isle of Wight - Wood 1923
(UK) Hornchurch - Williams 1934
(SIN) Singapore - Wierdels 1920
(JPN) Osaka - Yamamoto 1923
(PL) Lodz - Zajde 1928.jpg
(D) Gladbach - van Zeijl 1910.jpg
(D) Neuss - Zilversmit 1929.jpg
(Maleisië) Kuala Lumpur - van der Zande 1955

Update Jan. 9, 2013: Düsenborg
Update Jan. 10, 2013: Legêne
Update Jan. 11, 2013: Waślicka
Update Jan. 12, 2013: Beckmann, Habermehl, Philipszoon
Update Jan. 15, 2013: Herz
Update Jan. 16, 2013: Stutterheim
Update Jan. 20, 2013:  Bódis, Szakács
Update Jan. 23, 2013: van Exel, Henderson
Update Jan. 27, 2013: Loose
Update Jan. 29, 2013: de Joode
Update Jan. 31, 2013: Hellwig, Tromp Meesters
Update Feb. 1, 2013: Sont
Update Feb. 3, 2013: Schlesinger, Stefanović 
Update Feb. 5, 2013: Raveel
Update Feb. 11, 2013: Wilck
Update Feb. 17, 2013: van Dorsser
Update Feb. 18, 2013: Heip
Update Feb. 21, 2013: Kuijten
Update Feb. 24, 2013: Ibsch
Update Feb. 28, 2013: Launis, Rutgers
Update Mar. 7, 2013: Kuiper
Update Mar. 10, 2013: Zajde
Update Mar. 16, 2013: Declerck
Update Mar. 23, 2013: Köhn
Update Mar. 29, 2013: Kopp, Witt
Update Apr. 7, 2013: Praxmarer, Poels
Update Apr. 10, 2013: van Haaps
Update Apr. 12, 2013: Karduks
Update Apr. 14, 2013: Albrecht, Weyers
Update Apr. 18, 2013: Oppenhuizen
Update Apr. 19, 2013: Roosmale Nepveu
Update Apr. 20, 2013: van Laer, Uleyn
Update Apr. 22, 2013: Lansberg
Update Apr. 27, 2013: van Breukelen, König
Update Apr. 28, 2013: Gadourek, Gerus, Mahieu, Sachs
Update May 12, 2013: Namba
Update May 16, 2013: Jippes, Rübsteck
Update May 21, 2013: Misteli, Singh
Update May 26, 2013: Brouwers
Update Jun. 24, 2013: Chan, van Evercooren, Radlach Pries, Siegelaub, Waller
Update Jun. 30, 2013: Bonofacio, Davies, Deane Jones, Hughes, Knorth, Matveld
Update Jul. 4, 2013: Nieulant Pelkman
Update Jul. 26, 2013: Almström, van Bochove, van den Bosch, Cohn, Dutilh, Hamburg, van Limburg Stirum, Nandpersad, Rhebergen, Schaffmeister, Sperwer
Update Jul. 27, 2013: Chambaret, Collot d'Escury, Wigéri van Edema
Update Aug. 7, 2013: Brenninkmeijer
Update Aug. 27, 2013: Baumgärtner, van Bruggen, McLean, Otera Quijano, Ruys, Thijssen, Vink, van Wijck, Woutman
Update Oct. 6, 2013: Bloch Petersen, Boissevain, Bos van Doorneveld, Boumans, Evans, Garnman, van Gorkom, Kramers, de Palm, Rischke, Roberts, Salovicz Navarro, Steinmetz, Trost, Willems
Update Oct. 28, 2013: Brodar, Ferwerda, de Goede, Nicolauvan Rooijen
Update Nov. 4, 2013: Haardt, Lugt
Update Nov. 17, 2013: Bleeker, Feeke, Holzschuher von Harrlach
Update Dec. 28, 2013: Kirschner, Klinkenberg, Pollard, van Severen, Siewers, Steketee, Weerts
Update Jan. 9, 2014: Bickelhaupt, Goldschmidt, van Herck, Horree, Zilversmid
Update Feb. 5, 2014: Eicher, Gerzon, Gränitz, Jupa, Kangaspunta, Oorthuys, Röell, Suarez
Update Mar. 12, 2014: Colina, Cova, Denz, Frensdorf, Getreuer, Lainé, Quillié, van der Raadt, Skoda, Taskinen, Wingen, van de Waal
Update May 18, 2014: Bosch, Brown, Bijloo, Brand, Berkhout, Dabrowski, Diamant, Dixon, Langemeijer, Linley, Pierik, van Royen, de Ronde Bresser, Stone, Scott, Treharne Thomas, Wolf
Update Jul. 17, 2014: la Barre, Blaschnek, de Bruyn, Buyse, van Egmond, Engelsman, van Gijn, Griffin, Heijmerink, Henzi, Herbert, Kolko, de Kruijf, Lazauckas, Leyds, van Luijk, Meyer, Richardson, Torres Rodriguez
Update Jul. 30, 2014: van Best, Donker, Hayward, Nielsen Gerlach, van Nieuwkerk, Wanamarta
Update Aug. 31, 2014: Carlson, Camilli , van daalen, van Eeghen, Hillebrand, Keunen, Lysgaard Jørgensen, Meyer, Rotenstreich, Strooker, van der Schalk, Vogt, Vatri
Update Oct. 13, 2014: Dikkers, Dukkers van Emden, van Gheluwe, Harting, Heinzel, Kleingeld, van der Kuy, Rubinstein, Schwartzt, Swart, Verhaegen
Update Dec. 8, 2014: Boumeester, Butler, Bartel, van Goudoever, Grundman, Hulsmans, Lourenco, Landesz, Szirmai, Smoljanic, de Vos van Steenwijk, van Walsum, de Wit, van der Zande
Update Feb. 6, 2015: Burnet, Bunselmeyer, Corwin, Carpaneto, Dacz, Engelen, Heiboer, Kahn, Kwartsz, van Riemsdijk, Roberts, Redeker, Weber, Wilkinson, Weingraber, Woods, Williams
Update Mar. 25, 2015: van Gendt, Herbert, Hollmann, Heathcote, Jacobs, Kleeman, Kranenburg, Meijer, Mollinger, Niermeijer, Schot, Schäeffer, Törnqvist, Tjon Tjauw Liem, Tjon Tjauw Liem, Visser, Wierdels, Yamamoto
Update May 4, 2015: Er worden geen namen meer aan dit blog toegevoegd.
Update May 4, 2015: Records are no longer being added to this post.

Germany 65
Belgium  30
Neth. Antill 24
UK 30
Suriname  12

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Sepia Saturday - Belgian postcards

None of my shoe boxes could meet the objectives of this week's Sepia Saturday prompt. It is the picture at the end of this post. It shows an admirably merry bunch of Scottish soldiers in front of their hut on the Western front. So I have to use my own imaginative powers which is difficult enough as it is, so short after the holiday season.
The result of this complicated process is that I can present you with two old postcards bought by my mother in the 20's or 30's of the past century. Like the SS theme picture, they show people in front of old buildings.
The South Station in Ghent, Belgium
Judging by the fact that the tram (on the very right) operates without horses while there is no overhead electrification visible, I think this picture dates from the 1898-1903 period. During that time span trams were battery operated. My only doubt is the bicycle on the left, it looks so modern.
The North Station in Brussels, Belgium
 My ability to date old automobiles is fairly limited. So my guess that the above picture represents Brussels in the 20's is up for discussion.
I realize this is a bit of a meager way to start a new year of Sepia Saturday contributions. However, also grandchildren needed a bit of attention during the past few weeks. For the more elaborate SS submissions please turn to the Sepia Saturday site.